
Golden Square – Transcendence

Last week I made a new essence which seems very relevant for our time. As we enter a new world we need to rise above the old one so that we can see it clearly and move beyond it’s confines. This essence assists with this process.

Creeping Boobialla (myoporum parvifolium)

My gift is one of light and love – like a clear beam of understanding and connection I clear the head and focus the mind.  I allow you to expand your consciousness into realms that were previously beyond your reach. 

This awakening of broader perception allows for a clean sweep of old programs and sticky influences.  It paves the way for new vision and dreams.

I change and clear and connect you to a more complete version of you.

It is time to transcend.

Bush Essences Update

All of my Bush Essences are now available in the online shop 





The complete set now includes essences made at Mt Alexander, Mt Franklin, Mt Tarrengower and Charlton.  Please click here for a full description of each essence.

I hope these essences bring a taste of the magic of Jaara Country into your life.  The dry, dusty and damaged bushland in Central Victoria has so much beauty,   it’s harsh surface hides a gentleness and deep and ancient wisdom.  These essences have taken me on a journey of transformation, they have given me an expanded awareness of myself and a deeper respect for country.  I hope that they will take you on your own journey of transformation.     


Bush Essences

Over the last couple of years I’ve been venturing into the bush around Bendigo making a series of bush essences.  These essences are as much about place as about person, made in damaged landscapes that in some way reflect our inner terrain. The project is now finished (or so I believe for the moment)!

In total there are 11 essences.  The first 7 will go into the online shop today, the next 4 will be there soon.  You can read about all of these new essences here.

This has been quite a journey for me and my four legged essence assistant as we moved out of the backyard essence laboratory and into the open spaces.  We’ve both covered a lot of country and I feel quite transformed by the process.  I hope that these essences resonate with you.