Carefree Essence soaking up the sunshine
- Freedom from Fear
- Stream of Life
The Carefree essence helps to set free the core of the self when expression has been stunted, stifled or suppressed. The feeling is one of being frozen, the flow of self into the stream of life is held back. Strangely, once this frozen feeling is released, we do not quite know what to do with our new found freedom. The sense of being carefree is so unfamiliar that we feel empty. No longer weighed down by our fears we don’t quite recognise the new reality as a positive. Actually our ease of movement through life now will allow us to move to new depths of being and understanding, as fear is no longer blocking our way. We are no longer held captive to attitudes, beliefs or any of the other fear-based limitations that have held us back in the past. This change takes time to assimilate. Give it time, time to settle and diffuse, time to relax into the sensation of flow. Because this is what being carefree is – relaxing into the self.