
Soul Path Readings

Star Trails

In 2020, while I was time rich, I was guided to map the astrology wheel to the acupuncture points. Although these two systems may seem at odds, what emerged was a picture of the self that can help us to navigate our lives more consciously.

I work with Ellias Lonsdale’s Chandra Symbols for each degree of the astrology wheel. I find that these symbols resonate deeply with me and personally gave me a view of myself that I had never seen in other types of astrology and astrological symbols. I felt validated on a much deeper level when I read the symbols, which led to a greater acceptance of certain traits.

By looking at, and working with, the acupuncture points according to where they sit in our chart we can get a picture of the type of health issues that might emerge as a result of blocks in our path, progress or resistance to change. A Peace Space colour mandala relates to each acupuncture point and this can give us greater understanding of the spiritual change we might need to make in order to ease our passage through life and become more aligned with our soul purpose. Many points also have an essence as well, so we can also use the plant energies to support us through possible shifts.

I am now able to offer Soul Path Readings based on astrology birth charts.

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