For me, zeolite sits with the Peacespace Yellow/Yellow energenetic symbol which is about the “putting into practice your spiritual way of being.”
This symbol sits at Stomach 26 acu point, Outer Mound, which “can help nourish our spiritual journey as the acquired constitution is summoned to complement the innate constitution” (Jarrett, The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine, p.629). Here Jing (essence) and Ling (spirit) meet, fueling the expression of our purpose into the world.
The stomach is part of the middle burner – the transformative fire of the three heater meridian, the crucible perhaps. In the bigger picture of energy flow around the body, source energy (yuan qi) enters via the central and governing meridians and is stored at the mingmen, gate of destiny. Yuan qi is then spread through the body via the san jiao or triple heater meridian. This meridian is described as a sac that contains the organs of the body providing a protective barrier from invading pathogens. It exists in the interstitial spaces and links the interior and exterior body systems. It’s meridian pair, the pericardium or heart protector, performs a similar function for the heart. The two can be seen as “gateways to an energetic environment that is not limited by the boundaries of form and they don’t just intersect – they intertwine and become identical, leading to timelessness. This deep interior connection is a boundary where the particular human energies meet and become the more absolute energies of the cosmos.” (apologies to the author – I’ve lost the reference)
The lower burner is our elimination and discrimination, the upper burner is our inspiration, our breath and the middle burner is the transformative crucible where the fuel to drive our purpose lives. When this is compromised, and pathogens have invaded, our whole system can be weakened and thus our ability to function in the world is affected. When toxins or pathogens are expelled and our body nourished we can enter a more balanced expression of soul and spirit, and move into this sense of timelessness, connecting with the cosmos with greater fluidity and so stepping into a space where we can “become beyond”.
The solar plexus chakra – also yellow- is the seat of our personal power, power in the sense of our capacity of taking responsibility for ourselves (not power over others). This is perhaps best understood in the form of archetypes. The archetypes that sit at the solar plexus chakra are the Servant and the Warrior. (Ambika Waters, Chakras and their Archetypes). The dysfunctional archetype the servant is someone who “is not not rewarded appropriately for all it does…this archetype relinquishes its personal power and emotional needs in order to win acknowledgement and approval”. The functional archetype – the warrior-“focuses our strength and our ability to assert our right to be the best person we know how to be. This means doing what gives us joy and allowing ourselves to fully express our gifts and abilities and also to say “no” when necessary.”
With some (or all) of these tools described above, we can support ourselves to shift into a stronger expression of self in the world – one that allows us to stand in our truth with calm integrity rather than self effacement or aggression. In other words to stand in our personal power.