I was excited to see that the baby magpie is now able to leave the nest and explore the garden. Magpie’s sit with clearing and protection in the Peace Space work, part of the Magpie message follows
“Observation of the Magpie reveals that these birds are constantly aware of what is happening within their territories as they patrol and protect their spaces. Adult Magpies are well-known for vigorously protecting their nests, eggs and young by swooping and diving on anything that approaches—humans, cats, dogs and other birds. Every member of the magpie group is involved in the defence of the territory and in clearing it of unwanted intruders and predators. Protection is a way of life for them and they mirror to us humans our need to be diligent in adequately clearing and protecting whenever we work with psycho-spiritual levels of conscious awareness.
When sensing any darkness or heaviness of the energies surrounding you or infiltrating a situation that you may be involved in, call on Magpie energy to assist in shining Light on the subject so that you can bring in a new perspective with a sense of joyous harmony.”
I’m struggling to see our current world situation with joyous harmony.