

The Bugle (ajuga reptans) in my garden is now flowering, tall spikes of violet flowers. This plant is a traditional healing herb with bitter and astringent properties. It is used for bruises, hemorrhaging and sores. It can be made into a poultice and applied to bruises or drunk as a tea to help with gum issues, ulcers and sore throats. It also can move someone in shock to a more even head space and can help to alleviate hallucinations. It is used as a heart tonic and can help to slow the pulse. It can help with hangovers as well.

In my work it sits at the rear of the base chakra where I use it in the form of a vibrational tincture. The Bugle Tincture has a density to it that helps to bring everything together. All disparate lines of energy are brought into line and balanced allowing all aspects of the being to thread together into a cohesive whole. The blue/violet flowers offer rosettes of layered intent, gathering energy and dispersing it wisely. Stay flexible and take the time to ground and regroup, your energy should be used evenly and smoothly.

Bugle seems like a good plant to be working with at the moment in order to strengthen our base and navigate these difficult times with flexibility and balanced energy.

A new arrival in my garden

Mum and Bub

I was excited to see that the baby magpie is now able to leave the nest and explore the garden. Magpie’s sit with clearing and protection in the Peace Space work, part of the Magpie message follows

“Observation of the Magpie reveals that these birds are constantly aware of what is happening within their territories as they patrol and protect their spaces. Adult Magpies are well-known for vigorously protecting their nests, eggs and young by swooping and diving on anything that approaches—humans, cats, dogs and other birds. Every member of the magpie group is involved in the defence of the territory and in clearing it of unwanted intruders and predators. Protection is a way of life for them and they mirror to us humans our need to be diligent in adequately clearing and protecting whenever we work with psycho-spiritual levels of conscious awareness.

When sensing any darkness or heaviness of the energies surrounding you or infiltrating a situation that you may be involved in, call on Magpie energy to assist in shining Light on the subject so that you can bring in a new perspective with a sense of joyous harmony.”

I’m struggling to see our current world situation with joyous harmony.

Ruby Saltbush – Bush Tucker

I have lots of Ruby Saltbush in my garden and I love to snack on these sweet little magenta berries. Sometimes I put them in salads and I’ve read that you can dry the leaves and crush them as a spice. The magenta berries can also be used to make a red dye.

The berries are supposed to be an anti-scorbutic (something that stops scurvy) as they are high in Vitamin C. They also have a high Vitamin E content.

Magpies in my garden

Every day I have a number of special magpie visitors in my Bendigo garden. Their beautiful song brings me joy, and, as symbols of clearing and protection in the energetic work that I do, they help me to maintain strong boundaries.

“When sensing any darkness or heaviness of the energies surrounding you or infiltrating a situation that you may be involved in, call on Magpie energy to assist in shining Light on the subject so that you can bring in a new perspective with a sense of joyous harmony” (Nerida Murphy)

Summer Visitors to my Garden

Every Summer I am visited by Grey Currawongs, my friend Nerida has written the following message about Currawong wisdom. I think this is timely as we move into 2019 and we leave behind the ghosts of 2018.

Currawongs, are birds who are undeterred by the opinions of others, and appear to you when you find yourself meeting with challenging times or in need of releasing negativity in your life. They help you meet with your Ancestors who can shed light on lifting  pain, grief, old burdens or fear that hinder  creating a  peaceful and loving pathway. Call in Currawong as a totem to show you how to disperse weaker aspects of your personality, while strengthening your resolve to claim your own power. Currawong highlights the old, the redundant and damaging patterns from times past casting shadows that can make you feel haunted or restricted in making positive process and progress of your vision in life. Call in the healing of Currawong to help shift your perceptions and re-evaluate your beliefs and values to find new self worth, thereby allowing yourself to commence a new dance of the Ancient Circle promoting unity, strength, endurance and togetherness


Fumitory (Fumaria Officianalis) has long been used for treating skin problems like scabies, eczema and acne.  It has a bitter taste and is good for stimulating the liver and gallbladder.  Culpeper has a long list of uses for fumitory including leprosy, jaundice, plague and pestilence!  “The distilled water also…helps with all sores of the mouth and throat, being gargled often therewith.”    Fumitory can be toxic in large doses.  I’ve been eating small amounts, cut up finely, in my salads. The leaves and flowers can be used.










Mallow (Malva Sylvestris) leaves and flowers can be added to salads and soups or made into a tea.  Traditionally it has been used to make a soothing syrup for coughs, sore throats and inflammation of the respiratory passages.   It’s also soothing to the urinary tract and intestines.  Mallow helps to cleanse and strengthen the lymph system.  Externally it can be applied to wounds and sores as a wash, or used as a poultice on irritations.


Chickweed (Stellaria Media) is a great addition to salads and sandwiches.  While some books say you can cook it, I find that cooking makes it mushy and unappealing.  It has a mild taste, which makes it a great replacement for lettuce.  It can also be made into a tea using either fresh or dried leaves.

Other names for Chickweed include Adder’s mouth, starwort, stitchwort, tongue grass and winter weed,

It is rich in iron, contains calcium, cobalt, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, silicon, zinc, vitamin c and has a protein content of 15-20%.

Chickweed has many healing applications including applying the fresh leaves, or an ointment,  to bruises, irritations and skin disorders such as eczema or psoriasis.  It has also been found to relieve painful joints, tendons and ligaments.  It is soothing to the digestive system, easing inflammation and ulceration.

Culpeper states that “the herb bruised or the juice applied with cloths or sponges dipped therein to the region of the liver, and as they dry to have it fresh applied, doth wonderfully temperate the heat of the liver, and is effectual for all imposthumes, and swellings whatsoever, for all redness in the face, wheals, pushes, itch, scabs: the juice either simply used or boiled with hog’s grease applied, helpeth cramps, convulsions, and palsy.”

I’m not quite sure what an “imposthume” is and I think I’ll give the hog’s grease a miss, but I’m currently enjoying  eating this almost daily in a salad.


Weeds for dinner

I didn’t manage to plant many things in the vegie patch in Autumn and while the onions, garlic and broad beans I put in are doing well, there is little else apart from some greens I planted recently.

While my vegie’s are looking sad, I’ve done a great job growing weeds.

So tonight I’m making a weed salad full of this nutrient rich, vibrant greenery.

I’ve got chick weed, dandelion, calendula, fumitory, mallow and some herb robert, which I’ve topped off with some onion greens.  I’ll add some fetta and olives and have a fabulous salad that grew itself.