
Working with Life Key Essences

I started making my essences in 1999. I thought that I would only make seven – one for each of the seven major chakras. However, the essences kept coming and I now have 33 for the front of the major and minor chakras and a tincture that sits at the rear of most chakras.

Often when I’m working a single essence will come up for people, relating to the issues of that particular chakra. It is possible to get more specific with the location of the issue when necessary, so sometimes the etheric level within the chakra will also come up.

For example, at the moment I have an issue with my mouth chakra. This chakra is about Expansion into a freer version of self. “The mouth Chakra operates at the level of expression but this does not mean only verbal expression, it refers to the broader expression of our deeper selves.” It’s about freeing ourselves to follow the life that we really want.

At this time, the issue in the mouth chakra is sitting at level 16 (Honesty essence). “Balance on Level 16 results in an ability to calmly and easily express our true nature and live according to our soul values. When we have found balance here life begins to flow on many levels as never before. Finally our inner voice is in sync with our outer lives. Here lies true freedom – the ability to truly be ourselves. We no longer shy away from expressing our deeper nature, it just emerges naturally in our every action. The conflict between inner and outer expression is overcome and our lives expand accordingly.”

For me, at this time, I need to overcome my reluctance to dive more deeply into my essence work and share this more openly in the world. And seeing the photos of the flowers just makes me sooo happy.

New essence – Integrity

On Friday, at the new moon I made a new essence – Integrity. Made from the beautiful native indigo (indigofera australis) with the purpose of integrating and activating the crystalline core.

The time for action is now here. Movement will now be possible at a deep core level through the integration of your crystalline core. Action will now be fully aligned with your vision for a brighter world. The activation of your core will bring an energy of new vistas and possibilities for your self, your community and your future world.

Your vision will open to new ways of seeing and enable you to throw off the restrictive ways of the past. Blocks will dissolve as the crystal core is freed to flow and permeates your cells, healing old wounds as it moves through your being.

Now available in the shop

Selenite Gem Essence

My striations reflect your lines of energy – your etheric structure.  I bring strength and structure to your form.  I encourage your inner light to glow with clarity and your crystal core to energise your entire being.

“For intellectual clarity and competency.  For cleansing of all stone and mineral.  Expansion of awareness of self and surroundings.  Access to the past and future lives. To decrease reticence and aid acquisition of business. Aids issues of judgement, provides insight and just adjudication of disputes.  Cuts through subconscious assumptions and promotes reconnection between the conscious and subconscious and to understand the superficial and deeper meaning inherent in same.  Allow on access to the inner physical in order to understand existing disorder and provide information with respect to healing.  Alignment of the spinal column.  For flexibility of the muscle system.  For poisoning such as by the metal of tooth fillings.  For free-radical damage such as tumours, age spots, wrinkles, light sensitivity, cancer.  Disorders of the skeletal system.  To stabilise epileptic disorder.  “ (Melody – Love is in the Earth)

Sits with Mandala # 38 The Seesaw of Evaluation. 

“the torchlight energy… has the ability to focus healing on the etheric lines and dispel the susceptibility in the pattern and repair the locks of safety.

This torchlight is akin to the usage of salt.  It dis-spells infection, it draws and absorbs spillage, it preserves and enhances the senses.”

Golden Square – Transcendence

Last week I made a new essence which seems very relevant for our time. As we enter a new world we need to rise above the old one so that we can see it clearly and move beyond it’s confines. This essence assists with this process.

Creeping Boobialla (myoporum parvifolium)

My gift is one of light and love – like a clear beam of understanding and connection I clear the head and focus the mind.  I allow you to expand your consciousness into realms that were previously beyond your reach. 

This awakening of broader perception allows for a clean sweep of old programs and sticky influences.  It paves the way for new vision and dreams.

I change and clear and connect you to a more complete version of you.

It is time to transcend.


As the lockdowns and other restrictions here in Victoria continue it’s sometimes difficult to stay positive. I’ve started taking this essence again Coppins Creek – Hope. It’s message is as follows:

My heavy step now treads more lightly
Green fronds of new growth weave tendrils of light
Threads of hope move through my being
Like gentle rays of sunlight warming the earth
As a new day dawns

I’m trying to create the world I would like to see rather than focusing on my anger about the world as it is at the moment. But then again, anger can be a great instigator of transformation…


Over the last month or two I’ve been experimenting with zeolite to detox the body. I’ve taken a physical liquid form, a homeopathic form in different strengths, and this week I’ve made a gem essence.


I’ve found all the different forms of zeolite to be powerful in the removal of heavy metals and other toxins from the body. I have suffered from sensitivity to electro magnetic radiation for some years, and while I’ve experienced some improvement in my ability to cope with this through trying many different types of devices, supplements and other remedies, it is the zeolite that seems to have helped the most.

The gem essence is proving to be a very gentle way to detox. It’s message of one is peace and it has a soften action in the physical as well as in our expression of self. You can read more about it here…


I travelled to Cobargo in Yuin Country after the devastating bushfires. A lovely local took me into the bush near the sacred mountain Gulaga, the mother. Here we made an essence using Wattle and Gulaga water. I am still developing an understanding of this essence, but you can read the information I have so far if you click on the link – Coppins Creek.

Although this has been a terrible time for locals and the recovery will be long and slow, I saw so much positivity in people – the best of human nature was in evidence. It was a time of transformation for me and I think for everyone as we move into a future that is so unknown at this stage. Thank you Cobargo, I hope to be back soon.

Gulaga from Bermagui

Life Key – Mother of Pearl

I’ve made a new essence bringing the whole of the Life Key Essences series into a cohesive whole. This essence is a combination of 8 essences – The Elixir of Life, Peace, The Initiate, Shine and Yin, Yang, Redemption and Memory. This essence sits with Mother of Pearl – all colour.

And now we begin…

All has united and connected with source.  Balance between the realms is yours.  This key of connection and sustenance will allow for your new beginning, releasing the old world and embracing the new.  Much time, learning and healing has brought you to this place, and now, with flow connected to source and to mother earth through the bridge of the heartspace, you can step into your unified being with a relaxed confidence in your hard won direction. 

I’ve been taking the essence for a number of days now and I am now getting new insight to issues that I’ve been unable to shift for some time. I now see that I’ve been holding onto old ways of being, of doing work that I see as being “valued” by society instead of doing my own work in depth. Some part of me has always held back from fully embracing my work due to extreme fear. I feel that I’m now stepping out of this pattern into a new future.

Spirit Essence and a Sore Throat

Last week I started to get a cold and I nurtured myself with vitamins and homeopathics and herbal teas, but my throat was still sore.  Eventually it dawned on me to look to my own remedies for a solution.  So I took the Spirit essence for the throat chakra. My sore throat disappeared very quickly and the heaviness in my head dissipated – I felt quite different.

The throat chakra is where much of our creativity sits and here we find our voice to share our own creations with the world.  For a lot of us the idea of sharing our creativity, our inner world, can be a terrifying prospect.  We can bring ourselves down with a variety of negative mantras – “who am I to be doing this”, “I’m just crazy” or “everyone will think I’m crazy” – an endless list of internal abuse that keeps us in our stuck place.

On reflection I realised that my cold had started after I had begun to write a course about my essences. To present my work in this way had clearly awakened the old fears and doubts about sharing my creativity with the world and these fears had moved to the physical very quickly.  Doing my work is fine, but communicating, expressing my internal world, my creation in a new way pushed buttons.

Anodea Judith in her book Wheels of Life says that “survival and health in the twenty-first century will require innovation and flexibility.  Creativity is the key to unlocking these qualities.  We must honor it in ourselves and in each other.  We must honour the means which make it possible and protect ourselves from those phenomena which threaten to shut down this basic life force.”

We would all benefit from changing our negative mantras to positive ones and this simple change can help to break the patterns of the past and open us to a brighter, more creatively expressive future.