
Selenite Gem Essence

My striations reflect your lines of energy – your etheric structure.  I bring strength and structure to your form.  I encourage your inner light to glow with clarity and your crystal core to energise your entire being.

“For intellectual clarity and competency.  For cleansing of all stone and mineral.  Expansion of awareness of self and surroundings.  Access to the past and future lives. To decrease reticence and aid acquisition of business. Aids issues of judgement, provides insight and just adjudication of disputes.  Cuts through subconscious assumptions and promotes reconnection between the conscious and subconscious and to understand the superficial and deeper meaning inherent in same.  Allow on access to the inner physical in order to understand existing disorder and provide information with respect to healing.  Alignment of the spinal column.  For flexibility of the muscle system.  For poisoning such as by the metal of tooth fillings.  For free-radical damage such as tumours, age spots, wrinkles, light sensitivity, cancer.  Disorders of the skeletal system.  To stabilise epileptic disorder.  “ (Melody – Love is in the Earth)

Sits with Mandala # 38 The Seesaw of Evaluation. 

“the torchlight energy… has the ability to focus healing on the etheric lines and dispel the susceptibility in the pattern and repair the locks of safety.

This torchlight is akin to the usage of salt.  It dis-spells infection, it draws and absorbs spillage, it preserves and enhances the senses.”

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