I’ve made a new essence bringing the whole of the Life Key Essences series into a cohesive whole. This essence is a combination of 8 essences – The Elixir of Life, Peace, The Initiate, Shine and Yin, Yang, Redemption and Memory. This essence sits with Mother of Pearl – all colour.
And now we begin…
All has united and connected with source. Balance between the realms is yours. This key of connection and sustenance will allow for your new beginning, releasing the old world and embracing the new. Much time, learning and healing has brought you to this place, and now, with flow connected to source and to mother earth through the bridge of the heartspace, you can step into your unified being with a relaxed confidence in your hard won direction.
I’ve been taking the essence for a number of days now and I am now getting new insight to issues that I’ve been unable to shift for some time. I now see that I’ve been holding onto old ways of being, of doing work that I see as being “valued” by society instead of doing my own work in depth. Some part of me has always held back from fully embracing my work due to extreme fear. I feel that I’m now stepping out of this pattern into a new future.