

As the lockdowns and other restrictions here in Victoria continue it’s sometimes difficult to stay positive. I’ve started taking this essence again Coppins Creek – Hope. It’s message is as follows:

My heavy step now treads more lightly
Green fronds of new growth weave tendrils of light
Threads of hope move through my being
Like gentle rays of sunlight warming the earth
As a new day dawns

I’m trying to create the world I would like to see rather than focusing on my anger about the world as it is at the moment. But then again, anger can be a great instigator of transformation…

Yellow the crucible of personal power

For me, zeolite sits with the Peacespace Yellow/Yellow energenetic symbol which is about the “putting into practice your spiritual way of being.”

This symbol sits at Stomach 26 acu point, Outer Mound, which “can help nourish our spiritual journey as the acquired constitution is summoned to complement the innate constitution” (Jarrett, The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine, p.629). Here Jing (essence) and Ling (spirit) meet, fueling the expression of our purpose into the world.

The stomach is part of the middle burner – the transformative fire of the three heater meridian, the crucible perhaps. In the bigger picture of energy flow around the body, source energy (yuan qi) enters via the central and governing meridians and is stored at the mingmen, gate of destiny. Yuan qi is then spread through the body via the san jiao or triple heater meridian. This meridian is described as a sac that contains the organs of the body providing a protective barrier from invading pathogens. It exists in the interstitial spaces and links the interior and exterior body systems. It’s meridian pair, the pericardium or heart protector, performs a similar function for the heart. The two can be seen as “gateways to an energetic environment that is not limited by the boundaries of form and they don’t just intersect – they intertwine and become identical, leading to timelessness. This deep interior connection is a boundary where the particular human energies meet and become the more absolute energies of the cosmos.” (apologies to the author – I’ve lost the reference)

The lower burner is our elimination and discrimination, the upper burner is our inspiration, our breath and the middle burner is the transformative crucible where the fuel to drive our purpose lives. When this is compromised, and pathogens have invaded, our whole system can be weakened and thus our ability to function in the world is affected. When toxins or pathogens are expelled and our body nourished we can enter a more balanced expression of soul and spirit, and move into this sense of timelessness, connecting with the cosmos with greater fluidity and so stepping into a space where we can “become beyond”.

The solar plexus chakra – also yellow- is the seat of our personal power, power in the sense of our capacity of taking responsibility for ourselves (not power over others). This is perhaps best understood in the form of archetypes. The archetypes that sit at the solar plexus chakra are the Servant and the Warrior. (Ambika Waters, Chakras and their Archetypes). The dysfunctional archetype the servant is someone who “is not not rewarded appropriately for all it does…this archetype relinquishes its personal power and emotional needs in order to win acknowledgement and approval”. The functional archetype – the warrior-“focuses our strength and our ability to assert our right to be the best person we know how to be. This means doing what gives us joy and allowing ourselves to fully express our gifts and abilities and also to say “no” when necessary.”

With some (or all) of these tools described above, we can support ourselves to shift into a stronger expression of self in the world – one that allows us to stand in our truth with calm integrity rather than self effacement or aggression. In other words to stand in our personal power.


Over the last month or two I’ve been experimenting with zeolite to detox the body. I’ve taken a physical liquid form, a homeopathic form in different strengths, and this week I’ve made a gem essence.


I’ve found all the different forms of zeolite to be powerful in the removal of heavy metals and other toxins from the body. I have suffered from sensitivity to electro magnetic radiation for some years, and while I’ve experienced some improvement in my ability to cope with this through trying many different types of devices, supplements and other remedies, it is the zeolite that seems to have helped the most.

The gem essence is proving to be a very gentle way to detox. It’s message of one is peace and it has a soften action in the physical as well as in our expression of self. You can read more about it here…


During lockdown I’ve done a lot of study and one part of this has been to map the acupuncture points in TCM to the astrology wheel. While I am still learning how to work with this, I am finding the extra layer of understanding around each point fascinating.

It was the Chandra symbols developed by Ellias Lonsdale that gave me the impetus to do this. These symbols sit at each point of the astrology wheel, as do the Sabian symbols, but I find the Chandra symbols resonate with me more.

The point that I looked at today is Bladder 10, the point where the key of faith sits – the symbol for all coronaviruses. I’ve discussed this point below in terms of TCM, the Peace Space symbol and the essence that relates to this point. The Chandra symbol that sits here at Cancer 9 is

A skeleton playing a flute.
Death is a haunting accompanist to the tender side of life. The spinetingling touch of death close at hand renders poignant and accentuates what is vital in the world of the living. It takes courage to dance with death. Fear is natural under the circumstances. You have to play your fear and turn it into the music of courage. Wandering along the threshold between the living and the dead, belonging to neither world, yet integrally part of both. Intimately familiar with every side of existence. One who passes as a stranger, unknown and unknowable. Solitude is your element. The contemplation of the mysteries becomes as natural as breath, as ingrained as holding steady in the violent windstorm of life in the Earth. Lyrical, melancholy, and disassociated from familiar comforting things. A mist or haze wraps you about, creating an aura of the uncanny, and it is there you feel at home and nowhere else.

Not quite brave enough to leave the bird bath

To me this image captures much of the spirit of this year – the presence of death, the need to turn fear into courage, the inner journey forced upon us through our isolation. This melds so well with Bl-10 which “empowers the transcendence of fear”, the key of faith symbol and the clarity essence which helps us to stand in our own personal truth. We will need all of these qualities in order to forge a new world, both inner and outer, and to navigate its difficult birth. The fledgling magpie learning to fly in my backyard seems to symbolise this journey, fear making it take risks and fly. Magpie also reminds us of the need for strong and protective boundaries as we navigate change.

A new arrival in my garden

Mum and Bub

I was excited to see that the baby magpie is now able to leave the nest and explore the garden. Magpie’s sit with clearing and protection in the Peace Space work, part of the Magpie message follows

“Observation of the Magpie reveals that these birds are constantly aware of what is happening within their territories as they patrol and protect their spaces. Adult Magpies are well-known for vigorously protecting their nests, eggs and young by swooping and diving on anything that approaches—humans, cats, dogs and other birds. Every member of the magpie group is involved in the defence of the territory and in clearing it of unwanted intruders and predators. Protection is a way of life for them and they mirror to us humans our need to be diligent in adequately clearing and protecting whenever we work with psycho-spiritual levels of conscious awareness.

When sensing any darkness or heaviness of the energies surrounding you or infiltrating a situation that you may be involved in, call on Magpie energy to assist in shining Light on the subject so that you can bring in a new perspective with a sense of joyous harmony.”

I’m struggling to see our current world situation with joyous harmony.

Where to from here?

Over the last months of sitting with the amber/blue key of faith symbol I’ve observed in myself, and others, a big internal shift – a movement through old fears and towards stepping our own truth with greater authority and authenticity.

The next step that I’m being shown is the turquoise/magenta diamond.

The diamond helps to align personal will with divine intent. The turquoise/magenta diamond “will recreate your association with your original pattern of giving birth to your potential in the physical realm of your Earth existence.”

This symbol sits at Triple Heater # 8 meeting point of the small intestine, large intestine and triple heater meridians. “It helps mediate the functional relationship between assimilation and letting go as governed by the small and large intestine, respectively.” Working with this point can lead to a shift towards “clarity and sincerity as (his) communications become less tainted by bitterness and disdain.” (Jarrett, The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine, p.488)

The turquoise colour sits with Redemption, an essence that helps us when life has pushed us too hard and we seem to have lost our way. Where once we would have held back and hidden our light, now we can let its glow gently light up ourselves and the path ahead. The Memory essence sits with magenta and helps us to release negative emotions and memories from the past. At this point we need to remember, review and resolve these issues in order to gain fortitude – literally “a strength and firmness of mind” – the strength to continue. This resolution of the past will allow the movement forward to begin again, this time with greater depth and integration of experience.

In order to forge a new and more positive future for the world we need to ground our new understanding into a more positive expression of our own individual truth. This expression needs to be communicated with a genuine respect for the truth of another, a difficult thing when someone else’s truth seems to be completely opposed to our own. If we can discuss issues in a way that acknowledges difference and accept that different viewpoints lead to a richer cultural exchange, then perhaps we can create a less polarised world – sometimes both truths are valid.

A symbol for our times

The Amber/Blue symbol, “the key of faith”, is the symbol for coronaviruses in the Peace Space mode to healing that informs my work. It is about moving past the suffering we have endured in this or other lifetimes and pursuing our soul’s work with hope. It is about breaking through the fear that holds us back from becoming what we aspire to be. It says “if you close the door to the burdening pattern of these many lifetimes, you will begin to experience the enlivenment of one who, after a long journey, sees the lights of home in the near distance.”

This symbol sits on the Bladder 10 acu point. This point, Celestial Pillar, is a window to heaven point and meeting point of the bladder, small intestine, gallbladder and triple heater channels. Lonny Jarrett describes it’s virtues as follows:

  1. Connects us to an inner pillar of strength.
  2. Empowers the transcendence of fear.

“As a window point, Bl-10 can empower a healthy relationship to our fears by placing us in contact with a sense of strength at the very core of our beings. Hence, faith in ourselves, and in heaven as the ultimate support of our lives, can be restored. ” (Jarrett, The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine, p383)

The essence that sits here, at the occipital chakras, in my work is Clarity, which helps us to find the inner vision necessary for understanding our life path. It says “after the dross of the past has been released or cleared away the limits we impose on our power can be released from their suppressed state and brought to light. We can now turn to the future with renewed hope and joy.” It sits at the level of individuation where we learn to stand in our own personal truth.

If we can move past our fears borne of past suffering then perhaps we can step into our work, our true work, in a deeper way. The internal space that the virus has created has allowed me to bring the threads of my work together in a more complete way and given me the time to study and make new connections between themes in different healing modalities. I’ve also been experiencing fear of an unknown future and deep anger about arbitrary restrictions that don’t make much sense. And older, deeper anger about things I can’t even access. The key of faith symbol seems to be helping me to gain a higher perspective enabling me to move through this fear and anger, hopefully into greater clarity.

Ruby Saltbush – Bush Tucker

I have lots of Ruby Saltbush in my garden and I love to snack on these sweet little magenta berries. Sometimes I put them in salads and I’ve read that you can dry the leaves and crush them as a spice. The magenta berries can also be used to make a red dye.

The berries are supposed to be an anti-scorbutic (something that stops scurvy) as they are high in Vitamin C. They also have a high Vitamin E content.


I travelled to Cobargo in Yuin Country after the devastating bushfires. A lovely local took me into the bush near the sacred mountain Gulaga, the mother. Here we made an essence using Wattle and Gulaga water. I am still developing an understanding of this essence, but you can read the information I have so far if you click on the link – Coppins Creek.

Although this has been a terrible time for locals and the recovery will be long and slow, I saw so much positivity in people – the best of human nature was in evidence. It was a time of transformation for me and I think for everyone as we move into a future that is so unknown at this stage. Thank you Cobargo, I hope to be back soon.

Gulaga from Bermagui

Life Key – Mother of Pearl

I’ve made a new essence bringing the whole of the Life Key Essences series into a cohesive whole. This essence is a combination of 8 essences – The Elixir of Life, Peace, The Initiate, Shine and Yin, Yang, Redemption and Memory. This essence sits with Mother of Pearl – all colour.

And now we begin…

All has united and connected with source.  Balance between the realms is yours.  This key of connection and sustenance will allow for your new beginning, releasing the old world and embracing the new.  Much time, learning and healing has brought you to this place, and now, with flow connected to source and to mother earth through the bridge of the heartspace, you can step into your unified being with a relaxed confidence in your hard won direction. 

I’ve been taking the essence for a number of days now and I am now getting new insight to issues that I’ve been unable to shift for some time. I now see that I’ve been holding onto old ways of being, of doing work that I see as being “valued” by society instead of doing my own work in depth. Some part of me has always held back from fully embracing my work due to extreme fear. I feel that I’m now stepping out of this pattern into a new future.