Spring Flower Essence Workshop
Spend a day making your own soul medicine
When: Friday 21st October 2022
9.30am – 3pm
Where: Golden Square
Cost: $130.00 ($110.00 early bird before 30th September)
You will learn some of the history of flower essences making, how to make a flower essence and create your own remedy to take home.
All materials provided.
Morning and afternoon tea provided, please bring lunch to share
Follow the link to the shop to purchase your place with paypal http://lifekeyessences.com/product/spring-flower-essence-workshop/ or contact me via the contact page for more information or alternative payment methods.
Green Oil Course
I have been making green for almost twenty years. It is made from 16 different medicinal plants suspended in a blend of essential and carrier oils. It can be used for many different skin issues; the large range of plants give it a very broad application.
I am thinking of offering the course this year. The course will need to start soon as the plants are now available. The course would run for one afternoon a week for 8 weeks. If you are interested in learning how to make green oil please contact me.
The adrenals and stress
Every client I see at the moment is showing signs of adrenal overload. We have been through an extremely challenging couple of years and the pressure is still not really letting up. This takes a toll on the triple heater meridian and our adrenal glands.
The adrenals relate to our fight/flight/freeze responses and if we get stuck in any of these stress responses we can end up in a state of vigilance and ultimately adrenal exhaustion. There are some simple measures we can take to support our adrenals using vitamins, herbs, essential oils and relaxation techniques.
Some easily accessible herbs we can take are herb robert, licorice, nettle, parsley and tumeric. Vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc may help. The essential oils of lemongrass, sandalwood and spruce support the adrenal glands.
You might also find that gentle exercise such as walking or yoga may help. Being in nature is highly beneficial for our well being so try to spend some time outdoors. Have a bath, meditate or do any other activity that works for you.
If your stress levels do not respond to the herbs, vitamins or activities outline above then please seek help, Many modalities can help you to move through adrenal stress – naturopathy, homeopathy, TCM or kinesiology may all be of benefit. Stress is the underlying cause of much disease so it is a really good idea to address this problem to support your overall health.
Soul Path Readings
In 2020, while I was time rich, I was guided to map the astrology wheel to the acupuncture points. Although these two systems may seem at odds, what emerged was a picture of the self that can help us to navigate our lives more consciously.
I work with Ellias Lonsdale’s Chandra Symbols for each degree of the astrology wheel. I find that these symbols resonate deeply with me and personally gave me a view of myself that I had never seen in other types of astrology and astrological symbols. I felt validated on a much deeper level when I read the symbols, which led to a greater acceptance of certain traits.
By looking at, and working with, the acupuncture points according to where they sit in our chart we can get a picture of the type of health issues that might emerge as a result of blocks in our path, progress or resistance to change. A Peace Space colour mandala relates to each acupuncture point and this can give us greater understanding of the spiritual change we might need to make in order to ease our passage through life and become more aligned with our soul purpose. Many points also have an essence as well, so we can also use the plant energies to support us through possible shifts.
I am now able to offer Soul Path Readings based on astrology birth charts.
The Current Time
Lately I’ve found myself waking at 5am. I’m not just a little bit awake where I can roll over and go back to sleep – I’m wide awake and getting up to do yoga. Yesterday I gave myself a balance. 5-7am relates to the large intestine, common emotions found here are grief, guilt and letting go. The emotion for me was grief. I’ve been aware of the grief, but was not able to release it. The point that tested up was large intestine # 6 Side Passage. This point relates to dryness (I’ve been very thirsty) and feelings of loss and grief. It is also the luo point to the lung meridian and can be seen as “providing an external vent through which lung stagnation whether it be emotional (grief) or physical (phlegm), can exit one’s being”. (Jarrett, The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine, p596)
The energenetic symbol that sits at this point is blue/amber, the other side of the coronavirus symbol amber/blue which I’ve written about here. ”With this experience you will be required to master the strength you carry so your authority and authenticity will have to be controlled with balance…The passing of this fear associated with past learnings will close out the shadow that walks with you, and allow new strands of hope and aspiration to rise up within you.”
After two years of living in limbo due to the virus and the restrictions we have been placed under, there is a lot of grief in need of release. Grief for the people we couldn’t visit, for the funerals we couldn’t attend, for the loss of our dreams, our jobs, our inclusion in society. For the people we are unable to talk to because our understanding and experience of this time are so vastly different. Grief for those affected by flood, war and now the constant sound of ambulances as more people succumb to the harm caused by a medical trial.
So, I’m back to placing my attention on The Key of Faith and trusting that “another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing. “(Arundhati Roy). Part of me is already there.
Golden Square – Transcendence
Last week I made a new essence which seems very relevant for our time. As we enter a new world we need to rise above the old one so that we can see it clearly and move beyond it’s confines. This essence assists with this process.
My gift is one of light and love – like a clear beam of understanding and connection I clear the head and focus the mind. I allow you to expand your consciousness into realms that were previously beyond your reach.
This awakening of broader perception allows for a clean sweep of old programs and sticky influences. It paves the way for new vision and dreams.
I change and clear and connect you to a more complete version of you.
It is time to transcend.
New to the shop
Pink Fluorite and Zeolite are now available in the shop. These gem essences have attributes that are very useful at the moment. Zeolite helps to remove nano particles of heavy metals from the body and Pink Fluorite can help to repair RNA/DNA damage.
Click on the links to read more about Pink Fluorite and Zeolite.
The Bugle (ajuga reptans) in my garden is now flowering, tall spikes of violet flowers. This plant is a traditional healing herb with bitter and astringent properties. It is used for bruises, hemorrhaging and sores. It can be made into a poultice and applied to bruises or drunk as a tea to help with gum issues, ulcers and sore throats. It also can move someone in shock to a more even head space and can help to alleviate hallucinations. It is used as a heart tonic and can help to slow the pulse. It can help with hangovers as well.
In my work it sits at the rear of the base chakra where I use it in the form of a vibrational tincture. The Bugle Tincture has a density to it that helps to bring everything together. All disparate lines of energy are brought into line and balanced allowing all aspects of the being to thread together into a cohesive whole. The blue/violet flowers offer rosettes of layered intent, gathering energy and dispersing it wisely. Stay flexible and take the time to ground and regroup, your energy should be used evenly and smoothly.
Bugle seems like a good plant to be working with at the moment in order to strengthen our base and navigate these difficult times with flexibility and balanced energy.
The Cusp of a Coup
At the moment we seem to be sitting at a pivotal time in history. I wrote about zeolite earlier in relation to yellow where we seem to have been working for some time, learning to stand in our truth with calm integrity. In the Peace Space work, zeolite actually sits on white ray with mandala # 5 The Cusp of a Coup.
This helps to move us out of the lower mental and into the higher abstract mental plane. Once we have moved through the soul/spirit connection in yellow/yellow, we can step into the clearer air of white – “the energy well of the free spirit”. The Cusp of a Coup…”will help you to travel safely through many levels of your awareness – the physical, the emotional, the astral, the causal, the mental and the psychological. It has a very strong shunting ability. It will shift you into change very quickly and then into a profound and far reaching spiritual growth. What has been waiting to emerge in your productive cause now opens like a curtain at the theatre. Once the lights are on and your creativity commences, this mandala will help you concentrate very fully on what your are to do and achieve.
The zeolite stone “absorbs and transmutes forms of calcification which block the flow of ethereal fluidium from your source of spiritualised energy and prevent it from reaching your cellular levels.” It cleanses on the physical and etheric levels, helping to shift viral and mental intrusion. The zeolite essence that I’ve made “allows for the release of toxins associated with the repression of soul/spirit connection and expression. In acceptance of self comes true healing. In softening the self we become the embodiment of soul expression.”
This mandala sits at Central Vessel # 21 Jade Pivot/ North Star, which helps to descend stomach and lung qi – yellow (the staircase to your spiritual sanctuary) and magenta (the ray of your will to unconditionally accept and love all universal life forms), respectively. Thus it is connected to the function of the triple heater meridian, the flow of spirit. The neck starts to turn from this point, perhaps freer movement here indicates a freer flow of spirit into action.
In astrological terms this sits at Aries # 21 the chandra symbol for this point is:
Pastel flags fluttering in the breeze.
Calling attention to yourself, making a show of things, demonstrating a path to follow. Strongly urging that others move in the directions you are initiating. Persuasive, insistent, reiterative. Playful and twinkling on the outside but entirely intent on the inside. Pushing and pulling for optimal outcomes. Eloquent, ideological. You tend to be fanatical or zealous, pressing outwards, far outwards. Identified with a style, a sensibility, a progressive evolutionary wave, you are sharply on the spot of pivotal changes. Calling the collective attention to what comes next on the horizon. Greatly gifted with the talents of transmission. Nothing else distracts you from the leitmotif of making the new attractive and sparking encouragement, empowerment, and destiny momentum with elan and utter dedication. (Ellias Lonsdale, Inside Degrees)
I’m hoping we are entering a time now where we can begin to get a higher perspective on our world. If we can move out of the lower mental realm and into the higher abstract mental plane, then perhaps we can confront our shadow selves with honesty and move beyond that into a more productive and creative future.